When I was searching for energy and trying to get off of the emotional roller coaster, I started following a Keto lifestyle about 2 1/2 years ago. Right before I started the keto way of living, I found a knot on my left breast. I had a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound and the doctors were watching the spot. A year ago I began the breast cancer journey, and I made keto a lifestyle because I felt so much better and research shows so many benefits in correlation between keto and cancer.
With that being said, I’m always looking for a way to jazz up my side dishes with my Keto lifestyle. I ran across this cabbage idea in a Facebook group I’m in, but they cooked it with butter, beer, and bacon. We do not have beer in our house, so I substituted with a few other liquids.
It's also football tailgating time. . . this is a wonderful way to provide a healthy yummy option for those tailgating with you!
Here is the recipe and my substitutions with pictures:
1. Place the cabbage on several sheets of foil that can be wrapped around the cabbage forming a closed bowl. Cut the cabbage in a tic-tac-toe shape without going all the way through. . . just enough to place pats of butter in the cuts.
2. Cut up an onion and place on and around the cabbage. At this point you can add some salt if you desire.
3. Place bacon on the top of the cabbage. I placed three slices one way and three more slices the opposite direction.
4. Fold the foil up forming a bowl shape leaving the top open to add liquid. This is where you can add beer for your liquid. I do not have beer in my house, so I chose to add Honey Ginger vinegar from a locally owned small business. I also added a little chicken broth. Apple cider vinegar would also be yummy.
5. After adding the liquid, close the foil up to seal the cabbage and keep the liquid in. Place on the side of the grill that does not have a flame. Cook for approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours depending on the size of your cabbage. I cook a small cabbage for 1 1/2 hours.
6. Poor all the ingredients/liquid into a bowl. Cut the cabbage off of the core, cut up the bacon, and enjoy!
If you would like more information about the keto lifestyle please visit ketofuelzone.com
You can also download the Beginning Keto Guide at this site.