Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Power of Prayer: Seeking God's Will in the New Year

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile."                                                             Jeremiah 29:11-14


Reflecting on the Essence of Prayer

  • Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

Prayer is like the secret weapon that keeps us going, helping us navigate the ups and downs of life. It's our direct line to God, our way of connecting with Him and seeking His will. Prayer isn't just some religious ritual or a bunch of fancy words. It's so much more than that. It's about opening up our hearts and pouring out our hopes, fears, and desires to our heavenly Father. It's about surrendering to His plans and trusting that He knows what's best for us, even when we can't see it ourselves.

In this new year, let's take a moment to reflect on the essence of prayer. It's not about getting everything we want, but rather aligning ourselves with God's desires. We seek His guidance, His wisdom, and His direction in every aspect of our lives. We recognize that prayer is not a one-way street; it's a conversation between us and our Creator. So, as we step into this new year, let's remember the power of prayer. Let's remember it is not just a religious duty, but a lifeline that keeps us connected to God. It's a source of comfort, strength, and peace. Let's make prayer a priority in our lives, seeking God's will above all else. Because when we do, amazing things can happen.

Praying for God's Will

  • This, then, is how you should pray:
    ‘Our Father in heaven,
    hallowed be your name,
    your kingdom come,
    your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.’ Matthew 6:9-10

When it comes to prayer, one key thing that we should always keep in mind is the importance of seeking God's will. It's easy to get caught 

up in our own desires and what we think is best for our lives. But let's face it, God's plans are always way better than anything we can come up with. 

Praying for God's will means surrendering our own agendas and submitting to His divine guidance. It's about humbling ourselves and acknowledging that God knows what's truly best for us. So instead of asking God to make our own wishes come true, we should be seeking His will and aligning ourselves with His plans. Now, this doesn't mean that we can't bring our desires and dreams to God in prayer. He wants us to come to Him with our hearts wide open. But it's crucial that we approach Him with openness and a willingness to accept His answer, even if it may not align with our own hopes.

So as we enter the new year, let's make it a point to prioritize praying for God's will. Let's trust that He knows what's best for us and believe that His plans will always lead us to the utmost fulfillment and joy. It may not always be easy, but the reward of following God's will is beyond measure.

Seeking Guidance and Wisdom

  • In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.      Romans 8:26

When it comes to making decisions and facing challenges, we should seek guidance and wisdom from God. Prayer plays a significant role in this process, allowing believers to tap into the divine wisdom and discernment that only God can provide. You see, prayer is like having a direct line to the Big Guy upstairs. It's like having a heart-to-heart conversation with your best friend who knows you better than anyone else. When you're seeking guidance and wisdom, you can pour out your heart to God, sharing your hopes, fears, and uncertainties. He's always there, ready to listen and guide you in the right direction.

Prayer helps us navigate through the complexities of life. It's like having a GPS system that leads you on the right path. When you're faced with tough decisions, you can seek God's guidance through prayer, asking Him to show you the way. He promises to give wisdom generously to those who ask for it.

So, next time you find yourself at a crossroads or in need of wisdom, don't hesitate to turn to prayer. Seek God's guidance and wisdom, knowing that He is always ready to provide. Trust that He will lead you on the right path and give you the discernment you need to make the best decisions. With prayer as your compass, you can face any challenge with confidence, knowing that God's wisdom is guiding your steps.

Praying in Jesus' Name

  • Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. John 14:13-14
When it comes to prayer, there's something special about invoking the name of Jesus. It's like having a secret code that unlocks a direct line to God. You see, praying in Jesus' name isn't just about saying the right words; it's about tapping into the power and authority that comes from being a follower of Christ.

When we pray in Jesus' name, we're acknowledging that He is our mediator, our advocate before the Father. It's like having a VIP pass to the throne room of heaven. We can approach God with confidence, knowing that Jesus has paved the way for us.

But praying in Jesus' name goes beyond just gaining access. It's about aligning our prayers with God's will and purposes. When we pray in Jesus' name, we're saying, "Not my will, but yours be done." We're surrendering our own desires and seeking God's plan for our lives.

Praying in Jesus' name also reminds us that prayer is not about personal gain or selfish requests. It's about glorifying God and advancing His kingdom. It's about shifting our focus from ourselves to something greater.

So, as we enter the new year, let's remember the power of praying in Jesus' name. Let's tap into that direct line to God, align our prayers with His will, and seek to glorify Him in all that we do.

Finding Strength through Prayer

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. John 5:16

When it comes to facing life's battles, prayer can be a powerful weapon in our arsenal. The Holy Spirit is our guide and helper, and through prayer, we can tap into His wisdom and assistance. Prayer is not just about asking for things; it's about finding solace and strength in the presence of God. When we pray, we invite the Holy Spirit to work in our lives, empowering us to overcome obstacles and face challenges head-on. It's like plugging into a divine power source that fuels us with courage and resilience.

In those moments when we feel weak and overwhelmed, prayer becomes our lifeline. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles. God is with us, ready to provide the strength we need to persevere. Through prayer, we can find comfort, peace, and the assurance that God's got our back.

So, as we step into the new year, let's remember the power of prayer. Let's lean on God's strength and seek His guidance in every battle we face. With prayer as our weapon, we can find the strength to conquer any challenge that comes our way.

Embracing the Power of Prayer

  • For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst. Matthew 18:20
  • And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness. Acts 4:31

Now that we've explored the different aspects of prayer, it's time to dive into the importance of embracing the power of prayer in the new year. You see, prayer is not just a religious ritual or a mundane task to check off our to-do list. It's a powerful tool that can bring about peace, love, unity, and a deep sense of trust in God's plan for our lives.

In a world that often feels chaotic and divided, prayer has the ability to bring people together. It's a way for us to connect with God and with one another, transcending our differences and finding common ground. When we come together in prayer, we can experience a sense of unity and solidarity that is truly transformative.

Prayer also has the power to bring us peace in the midst of life's storms. When we face challenges and uncertainties, prayer allows us to surrender our worries and anxieties to God. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that there is a higher power at work in our lives.

Moreover, embracing the power of prayer means trusting in God's plan for our lives. It means surrendering our own desires and ambitions and seeking His will above all else. When we align our prayers with God's purposes, we can experience a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose.

So, as we step into the new year, let us wholeheartedly embrace the power of prayer. Let us pray for peace, love, and unity in our lives and in the world around us. Let us trust in God's plan and seek His will in all that we do. Through prayer, we can truly make a difference and experience the transformative power of God's love.

A Year of Prayer and God's Will

Alright, folks, we've reached the end of this journey. It's time to wrap things up and reflect on what we've learned about the power of prayer and seeking God's will in the new year. So, let's do a quick recap, shall we?

Throughout this blog post, we've explored the significance of prayer in the lives of Christians and how it can have a profound impact on the upcoming year. We've talked about the importance of praying for God's will rather than our own, understanding that His plans for us are far greater than anything we could ever imagine.

We've also delved into the role of prayer in seeking guidance and wisdom, recognizing that through prayer, we can tap into God's infinite wisdom and make decisions that align with His perfect plan for our lives. And let's not forget the concept of praying in Jesus' name, which reminds us to shift our focus away from personal gain and instead glorify God and His kingdom.

Moreover, we've discussed how prayer can provide us with the strength we need to face battles and challenges. By relying on the Holy Spirit's guidance and assistance, we can find the courage to overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

Lastly, we've emphasized the importance of embracing the power of prayer in the new year. It's about finding peace, spreading love, fostering unity, and, above all, trusting in God's plan for our lives.

So, dear readers, as we embark on this new year, let us wholeheartedly embrace prayer and seek God's will in everything we do. Let us make prayer a priority, knowing that it is through this intimate connection with our Heavenly Father that we can experience His love, guidance, and blessings.

May this be a year of prayer, a year of seeking God's will, and a year of incredible growth and transformation. Let's do this together, my friends.

Journaling Thoughts for the New Year:

As you move into the new year, reflect on the previous year and how you spent time with God. Did you have conversations with Him? Did you seek God's will when praying? Are you willing to give up your own desires if they do not line up with God's will? How can you embrace prayer this year? Do you feel that your relationship with God can become more intimate through praying? Do you pray with your spouse or your girlfriend/boyfriend? Do you need to pray about expanding your prayer life to include others? Do you pray with your friends and family? Write your request down and continue to journal throughout the new year and watch God work . . . 

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Unwrap the Unexpected on Christmas Day: Finding Joy in the Little Moments

Unwrap the Unexpected on Christmas Day:

Finding Joy in the Little Moments

As we approach Christmas Day, let us take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of this special time. Amidst the hustle and bustle, it's easy to get caught up in the craziness and lose sight of what truly matters. But what if we approached Christmas Day with little expectations and room for God to move in our lives?

In a world that often feels uncertain and unpredictable, embracing the unexpected can bring a sense of adventure and joy. Instead of clinging tightly to our plans and agendas, let us open our hearts to the possibilities that lie ahead.

Take a moment to pause and listen - listen for that still small voice whispering amidst the chaos. God speaks to us in various ways, whether it's through scripture, prayer, or even through unexpected encounters with others. Allow yourself to be open to His guidance as you navigate this season.

As we reflect on the year gone by, let us not dwell on missed opportunities or unfulfilled expectations. Instead, focus on the little moments that brought you joy - those fleeting instances that may have seemed insignificant at first but hold so much meaning when looked back upon.

Christmas is not just about one day; it's about a spirit of love, kindness, and generosity that should extend throughout the year. Let this spirit guide you as you move forward into the new year.

So as the new year approaches, release your grip on control and allow room for God's handiwork in your life. Trust that He has beautiful plans in store for you - plans filled with hope, growth, and blessings beyond your imagination.

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Embrace each day with gratitude and an open heart. Find joy in unexpected moments and cherish them as gifts from above. And remember, Christmas is not just a day; it's an opportunity to experience God's love every single day.

May this blog post inspire you to approach Christmas Day and the year ahead with a renewed sense of wonder, gratitude, and faith. Embrace the unexpected, find joy in the little moments, and allow God to move in your life like never before.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; 

I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly

Reflecting on John 10:10 reminds us that this Christmas season is about receiving the gift of life and letting go of the stronghold that the devil wants to bind you up with. Unmet expectations, broken relationships, financial uncertainty, loss, and grief may be weighing you down, but remember that there is hope in the midst of all these challenges. Be intentional and look for the abundance of blessings that may be in plain sight or hidden in the challenges and struggles of the season.

Journaling Thoughts for Christmas Day: John 10:10 states, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." What does this verse mean in context? How does this verse apply to you in this season of life? What expectations do you need to let go of for Christmas Day to give room for God's expectations? If you could mail Jesus a Christmas card, what would you say?

Monday, September 11, 2023

Content Sheep

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." Ah, the famous words from Psalm 23:1. 

As a young mom, I had my fair share of baby entertainment equipment scattered around the house. Swings, exersaucers, bouncy seats – you name it, I had it! But let me tell you, my boys were never content for long. Just when I thought I had found the perfect spot to keep them occupied, they would start crying or getting restless. It was like they had a built-in sensor telling them it was time to move on. And you know what always seemed to do the trick? A little hug. Yep, sometimes all it took was a little cuddle session to soothe their tiny souls.

But you know what? Sometimes, us grown-ups can feel that way too. We look around and think there must be something more, something that will make us finally feel content. It's like we have the attention span of a baby in need of an environmental change or a little hug. I pray for heavenly hugs all the time. . . and it’s amazing how God shows up in the smallest details that make me smile. These feelings of frustration, boredom, and emptiness can really throw us off balance. It's as if we're stuck in a pit of discontentment and hopelessness. Not exactly a fun place to be.

But guess what? God is always with us. Seriously, always. He tells us to be joyful and content with what we have and where we are in life. So maybe we shouldn't worry or want more than what God has given us. I mean, if we have a close relationship with Him, then we have everything we need. . . It might just be that hug that changes everything. I'm not saying we shouldn't set goals or strive to be better humans (because let's face it, we all have room for improvement). What I'm saying is, we shouldn't put our hope in something or someone other than our Heavenly Shepherd.

If we're feeling down in the dumps – experiencing depression, despair, loneliness, emptiness, or frustration – then maybe it's time to take a look at where our hope is coming from. It's like that well-known verse in Psalm 23:1 strongly states and sends for encouragement, with God as our Shepherd, we shall not want. Through our faith, we should be able to find contentment and joy right where we are. We shouldn't let anyone or anything else determine the level of happiness in our lives.

In fact, as Philippians 4:11 reminds us, we should learn to be content no matter what circumstances we're facing. Life might not always be a walk in the park (believe me, I know), but guess what? God is all we need during the good times and the bad. So if life isn't going according to plan right now, maybe it's time to cry out to Him and ask what all this chaos is about. Trust me, our God is not a God of disorder – He's all about peace.

So next time you find yourself yearning for something more, remember that you have the best Shepherd in town. And with Him by your side, you truly have everything you need. So embrace the chaos, find contentment wherever your feet may roam, and never forget that you are loved and cared for by the one who created you.

Have you ever felt like a lost sheep, aimlessly wandering around in search of something more fulfilling than your current situation? I know I have! Whether it's my career, my body, my finances, or my friendships, there is always something that seems to be lacking. And boy, do I get impatient with God and myself while waiting for answers and solutions!

Instead of patiently waiting, what do I do? I become a busy bee, trying to solve my discontentment on my own. Or I turn to others, hoping they can fix my problems and bring me satisfaction. But here's the real question: why can't I just be content with what I have? Why do I always feel the need to strive for more and add more to my plate?

In my pursuit of contentment, I turned to God's Word and was led to Psalm 23:1 - "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." Now, don't laugh, but I always wondered why this scripture would tell me that I wouldn't want the Lord as my shepherd. What kind of message is that? But sometimes, we read words or memorize scriptures without truly understanding their meaning. It's like a light bulb that suddenly turns on, and everything makes sense.

So, I decided to dig deeper and understand the true essence of this verse. Turns out, all these years, I've been missing the point! Light bulb moment! If I truly believe that the Lord is my shepherd, then I shouldn't want anything else to find joy in my life. It's about trusting in God's plan and being content with His provision. . . even when it doesn’t make sense, and in the waiting!

During my year off from teaching while battling breast cancer, I prayed fervently for God to show me the perfect job. Not the job I thought I needed, but the one that He wanted me to have. And for the first time, I surrendered my wants and desires, praying that God would use me wherever He saw fit. Let me tell you, that was scary! But after years of trying to do things my own way and failing miserably, I was finally willing to let go and let God take control.

And guess what? God didn't disappoint! He led me to some incredible educators and students who stole my heart. My position was later cut due to budget constraints, but I now understand that it was all part of His plan for that season of my life. Sure, there are times when I don't understand why certain things or people come and go, but I have faith that God's plan is perfect.

So, if you ever feel like a lost sheep, searching for something more, remember this: God has a plan for you. Surrender your wants and desires, trust in Him, and be content with what you have. Who knows? You might just find joy in the most unexpected places. And hey, thank goodness God doesn't give up on us and is patient with our wandering hearts. After all, we're all just human, trying to make sense of this crazy thing called life.

True Contentment is Found in Trusting the Good Shepherd:

1. Make the Lord your Shepherd by trusting His provision in every situation of your life. But seriously, why not just let Him take the wheel and stop trying to do life on your own? I mean, imagine the relief of no longer having to navigate the twists and turns on your own! With the Lord as your Shepherd, you can truly be content while resting and finding peace in His wise navigation skills. Trust me, it's way better than relying on your own questionable sense of direction.

Psalm 23:1 "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want".

2. Oh, the great Shepherd! Not only does he take care of your resting needs, but he's also got you covered when it comes to food, drink, and restoration. Talk about all-in-one service! And if that wasn't enough, he'll even guide you on your path, making sure you don't veer off in the wrong direction. A true multitasker, this Shepherd of ours!

Psalm 23:2-3: "He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake." 

3. Know that your Shepherd is always by your side, faithfully guiding and supporting you through every high and low. He understands your fears and provides comfort, standing as a mighty warrior against your enemies. He shields you from the troubles that surround us in this broken world. Take solace in Psalm 23:4-5, which assures us that even in the darkest valleys, we need not fear because He is with us. His presence brings comfort, and He prepares a feast for us even in the presence of those who oppose us. He pours out blessings upon us, filling our cups to overflowing. Trust in your loving Shepherd, for He will never leave nor forsake you.

Psalm 23:4-5: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." 

4. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life, for you are loved by the Shepherd. His love and mercy are freely given to you, without any need for you to earn or strive for them. Remember the comforting words from Psalm 23:6, "and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." This verse is a beautiful reminder that you are always in the presence of the Shepherd, who is guiding and protecting you.

In times of struggle or doubt, remember that you are never alone. The Shepherd's love is unconditional and everlasting. He is with you through every step of your journey, offering comfort, strength, and guidance. Trust in His unwavering love and know that goodness and mercy will be by your side always.

Take comfort in the assurance that you have a place in the house of the Lord, both in this life and in the eternal realm. The Shepherd has prepared a dwelling place for you, where you can find peace and rest. No matter what challenges may come your way, have faith that you are never too far from the embrace of the Shepherd.

Hold on to these promises and let them fill your heart with courage and hope. Embrace the knowledge that you are deeply cherished by the Shepherd, and that His love will never leave you. Your journey may have its ups and downs, but remember that goodness and mercy will faithfully accompany you, strengthening and guiding you every step of the way.

So, dear one, take heart and find reassurance in the everlasting love of the Shepherd. You do not have to earn His love and mercy; they are freely given to you. Rest in the knowledge that you will always be with the Shepherd, experiencing His goodness and mercy throughout your entire life and for all eternity.

Psalm 23:6: "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." 

5. Pray to Your Shepherd. . . 

Dear Lord, I pray for all of us who struggle with contentment. Help us to keep You at the forefront of everything we do, guiding our steps and leading the way. May our minds never stray from You, for we do not want to yearn for more. We accept You as our Shepherd, and we desire to be content and live life at a healthy pace while following You.

You are our Shepherd, and we are grateful for Your constant watchfulness over us, even when we try to navigate life without You. As we continue on this journey, may we always be part of someone else's solution, while You provide the steps and the direction that lead to the ultimate resolution.

Thank You, Lord, for Your immense love and guidance. Help us to trust in You completely and find contentment in every moment. Amen.

Today's Journal and Reflection: Do you truly accept God as your Shepherd? In which areas of your life are you presently endeavoring to shepherd yourself? Are you presently seeking something or someone to bring contentment and happiness into your life? How does Psalm 23:1-6 provide you with solace? Which verses within Psalm 23:1-6 do you need to delve into more deeply in order to place complete trust in your Shepherd and find contentment in your current circumstances?

More inspiration from the blog author

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Endurance of Faith for the Journey

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

“Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.

But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” 

- Matthew 14:27-31, NIV

My love language predominantly revolves around acts of service, especially when it comes to maintaining a welcoming environment within my home, including a clean yard and garage. The feeling of walking into a sparklingly clean house fills me with an overwhelming sense of energy and joy, empowering me to face any challenges that life may throw my way. However, I cannot help but recall a series of instances where my husband, displaying a heartfelt gesture, took it upon himself to clean either the garage or the kitchen for me, only to have his efforts met with criticism due to overlooked areas or failure to meet my cleaning standards. Reflecting upon this, I find myself questioning why I would respond in such a manner. It is evident that my husband embarked on these cleaning endeavors with an inherent belief that he could replenish my emotional well-being; yet, unfortunately, my appreciation for his actions fell short. Over the course of our three-decade marriage, I have undergone an embarrassing realization regarding the inadequacy of my words when it comes to expressing my genuine appreciation. As time has passed, I have come to understand the magnitude of my husband's disappointment, lingering within his heart as he courageously stepped forward in faith, seeking to replenish my love tank and to speak love into my heart. 

This brings to mind the story of Peter, a figure known for his audacious act of stepping out of the boat and placing unwavering trust in Jesus. In his courageous stride, Peter was hopeful for a response filled with deep affirmation and encouragement. Nevertheless, he encountered a rebuke from Jesus, who admonished him for his lack of faith. This particular situation makes me think of my reactions to the endeavors of my beloved husband as he goes above and beyond to please me and ignite a sense of joy within my heart through his cleaning efforts. In these heartfelt actions, he anticipates a specific reaction from me - one brimming with resounding approval and appreciation. Walking on water and cleaning a house are definitely different acts of faith on many levels, but the emotions they evoke in me are surprisingly similar. Reflecting on Peter's experience, I can only imagine how he must have felt when he did not receive approval from someone he was trying to please.

When Peter first mustered the courage to step out of the boat, he did so with an unwavering gaze fixed upon Jesus. This bold and audacious act of faith enabled Peter to actually walk on water, defying the furious winds and tumultuous waves that fiercely enveloped him. It was a stormy sea, yet Peter fearlessly ventured into the heart of it, determined to reach his Lord. God has a way of summoning us to undertake seemingly impossible tasks, whether it be navigating the treacherous path of grief, a new job, financial uncertainty or embarking on a new and uncharted journey. . . or even trying to please your spouse. Yet, it is in those moments when our focus should remain firmly tethered to the Lord, so we can find our footing and our steps in unwavering stability.

Sometimes, in the midst of walking on these new paths filled with uncertainties, we may find ourselves filled with fear and anxiety. It is in these moments that we need not despair, for Jesus extends his hand to lift us up from the depths. Unknown journeys, with its torrential waves, can sometimes overpower us, causing us to sink into the depths of fear and anxiety. Similarly, the fear of failure that accompanies uncharted paths can overwhelm us, leading us to sink into the abyss of perfectionism. However, when we redirect our gaze towards Jesus and anchor our focus upon him, he empowers us to stride through the raging winds and crashing waves. With every surmounting wave, our trust in Him blossoms and flourishes. Indeed, it is a choice we must make every day - to fix our eyes unwaveringly upon him. However, it is crucial for us to be cognizant of God's timing in our situations. Indeed, God's timing typically diverges from our own personal timelines. Inevitably, we tend to succumb to feelings of despair and disillusionment when our circumstances remain unaltered within the confines of our preferred schedule. Consequently, our faith dwindles and becomes feeble, lacking the strength and conviction it once possessed.. . having little faith in our lengthy struggles. 

Little faith is a state that goes beyond a mere deficiency in belief; it is a complex interplay of doubt and the unyielding passage of time. In the dictionary, one can discover an array of meanings associated with the word "little". Among these, it is worth noting that one can find a definition that pertains specifically to something being short in duration and instances where something is characterized by its concise and fleeting nature. It can be helpful when studying Peter and reading the bible to gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of the words, such as "little", and the various contexts in which it can be applied. In the case of Peter, his initial display of faith was unmistakable when he took that first courageous step out of the safety of the boat. However, as the circumstances surrounding him persisted for a longer duration than anticipated, the waves of doubt subtly infiltrated his mind, diverting his attention away from Jesus. It was an accidental shift, yet its consequence was profound. Peter's faith began to falter and waver, revealing his fragile human nature. His momentary faith proved to be short-lived, and in this fleeting vulnerability, we caught a glimpse of the little, short-lived, faith within him. This brief encounter between Peter and Jesus encapsulates the intricate dance between belief and uncertainty, shedding light on the delicate waves we all fight in moments of trial and tribulation.

Life’s journey is about endurance. .  I find it quite intriguing to reflect upon my own journey as a wife. After being married for three decades, one would assume that I have already mastered the art of being a spouse who chooses her words and actions with care. However, the truth is that I am still on a continuous quest to discover the delicate balance between maintaining high standards without falling into the trap of perfectionism, especially when it comes to my husband. It is truly a blessing that my husband has not allowed my occasional lack of appreciation to diminish his faith in our relationship or our marriage. His unwavering commitment to us is a testament to the strength and resilience required to endure the ups and downs that inevitably arise throughout life's journey. In order to navigate these challenges, it is crucial that both of us remain steadfast and resolute. We must keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, drawing from His wisdom and guidance to prevent weariness from seeping into our hearts over time. For it is through this steadfast devotion to our shared values and beliefs that we can press forward, knowing that our love and commitment will withstand any trials that we encounter along the way. 

What circumstances have you been grappling with for a longer duration than you desire? Are you noticing a gradual diminishment in the strength of your faith? Have you encountered a situation where you mustered the courage to step out in faith, only to face criticism? When you find yourself facing discouragement due to the prolonged nature of your struggles or the seeming absence of answers to your prayers, do you persist in praying without ceasing? When you encounter disappointment from others, do you retreat into isolation or allow yourself to become disheartened in your endeavors?

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.] I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.” - Jeremiah 29:11-14, NIV

Jesus, our ever-present companion, stands alongside us through every season of life. In the unending journey of faith, it is vital to maintain a continuous conversation with Him through prayer. Trust that God will respond at the most opportune moment, aligning His answers perfectly with your purpose on this earthly plane. Rest assured that God, the master orchestrator, has meticulously devised a plan for your ultimate good and the manifestation of His magnificent glory! Even if circumstances render you seemingly disappointed and isolated, remember the powerful words from Jeremiah 29:11-14, which need to resonate deeply within our souls. Take joy in the fact that this very moment is the ideal time to fervently pray and diligently seek God for the answers you are seeking. Embrace this season of prayer as a profound opportunity to draw closer to God, finding solace, guidance, and profound insight along the way. 

“Rejoice always,  pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Do not allow yourself to be discouraged by the prolonged period of exile, but instead find solace and strength in embracing the hardships that accompany it. In fact, let these adversities become sources of great joy, for they provide valuable opportunities to deepen your faith and nurture a closer relationship with God. By actively engaging with the challenges posed by exile, you can seize the chance to develop a more profound understanding of yourself and your spirituality. Embrace the transformative power of suffering, knowing that it has the potential to cultivate resilience, wisdom, and a profound sense of connection with Your Creator. 

“Not only so, but we[a] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” -  Romans 5:3-5, NIV

Our Fairy Tale World: Society's Moral Compass on this Side of Heaven

As you read this book, you'll immerse yourself in a collection of devotionals designed to nurture and expand your heart and mind. It begins with a thought-provoking devotional that leads to a deep dive into revelations about fairy tales. Explore the realm of Little Red Riding Hood, uncovering evidence of how our moral compass has evolved. Through this fairy tale, I shed light on shifting values and their impact on society. Within these pages, discover my imaginative retelling of a classic, offering a contemporary perspective. I provide moral lessons for meaningful family discussions. Afterwards, we return to devotionals, guiding us to engage with God's Word.

Visit me on Facebook at Faithfully Unashamed 
for more inspiration. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Birthday Celebration Devotional . . . Everyday We Should Celebrate Our New Life In Christ

So he gave us new life because of what Christ has done. He gave us life even when we were dead in sin. God’s grace has saved you. Ephesians 2:5

Birthdays hold immense significance in our lives, as they tap into a multitude of emotions and carry profound symbolic meaning. In our formative years, the anticipation leading up to our birthdays is tinged with an unparalleled excitement and an unrestrained eagerness. The mere thought of growing another year older fills our hearts with joy, granting us the opportunity to revel in this extraordinary milestone by throwing lavish birthday parties and relishing the delightful company of our cherished friends. Nevertheless, as time effortlessly slips through our fingers, our perspective on birthdays invariably undergoes a transformative shift. The once effervescent enthusiasm we once felt gradually wanes as we mature, causing us to shift our attention away from the external aspects of aging that we used to perceive with unbridled exuberance. It seems as though our bodies, ever so slowly metamorphosing, serve as constant reminders of the passage of time and the profound changes that accompany it.

When we reflect on the experience of our new birth in Christ, it becomes apparent that it is a truly remarkable and awe-inspiring event. Our spiritual birthdays, in many ways, should hold the same significance and value to us as our physical birthdays. While some of us may not have the precise memory or knowledge of the exact date of our spiritual birth, we often have a general idea or approximation. However, it is important to note that the specific date is not of primary importance; rather, it is the sheer excitement and joy of having Christ as our Savior for yet another year that truly matters. As we journey through the passage of time in our walk with Christ, there is no cause for apprehension or anxiety regarding our growing age in Him. On the contrary, our relationship with Christ only deepens and grows richer as life unfolds before us. This is not to suggest that we will be exempt from the trials and tribulations of life. Yet, through His infinite grace and boundless love, Christ equips us with the strength and perseverance necessary to navigate these challenges as we progress in years. One cannot help but marvel at the undeniable thrill of knowing that with each passing day, we draw nearer to the eternal joy of being united with Christ in heaven. The anticipation of this incomparable union intensifies as we age, filling our hearts with ever-increasing delight and wonder. It is truly a remarkable blessing that accompanies the process of maturing in Christ. As we contemplate all that Christ graciously bestows upon us when we embrace Him as our Lord and Savior, an overwhelming sense of gratitude and adoration envelops our souls. The depth of His love, the magnitude of His forgiveness, and the richness of His presence are immeasurable gifts that we receive upon becoming His cherished children. Let us, therefore, celebrate and rejoice in the abundance of blessings that accompany our spiritual journey with Christ.

Birthday Gift – Christ gives us the incomparable gift of eternal life through His divine grace. This profound gift, given with boundless love and compassion, encompasses salvation, forgiveness, and the promise of an everlasting union with Him. It is a gift that transcends the boundaries of time and space, shaping our present existence and guiding our future aspirations. Within this gift resides the transformative power to reconcile our sins and renew our spirits, enabling us to embrace a life with purpose, meaning, and divine fulfillment. Christ's birthday gift, symbolic of His selfless sacrifice on the cross, serves as a testament to His unwavering devotion and desire to grant humanity the ultimate blessing of eternal communion with Him. As we celebrate this sacred occasion, let us pause and reflect upon the magnitude of this extraordinary gift, cherishing the eternal hope it brings and embracing the profound significance it holds in our lives. Through Christ's gift of eternal life, we are invited to partake in His divine love, bask in His endless mercy, and find solace in His eternal presence, both in this earthly realm and beyond. May this precious gift forever serve as a constant reminder of our unwavering faith and the immeasurable depth of Christ's love for all of humanity.

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Birthday BalloonsChrist grants us the Holy Spirit to enrich our lives. Symbolized by a birthday balloon, the Holy Spirit is a divine presence that empowers and uplifts us in profound ways. As we celebrate the miraculous gift of life, we acknowledge that Jesus Christ himself bestows the Holy Spirit upon us, with the purpose of guiding and comforting us on our spiritual journey. Similar to a balloon signifying freedom and joy, the Holy Spirit fills our hearts with a sense of liberation and gladness. The Holy Spirit serves as a constant companion, ever by our side, ready to provide divine inspiration and wisdom. This force propels us forward, enabling us to overcome earthly challenges and obstacles with renewed strength and resilience. The guidance of the Holy Spirit extends beyond a singular day or moment, permeating every aspect of our lives as an ongoing process. The influence is felt in moments of joy and celebration, as well as in times of uncertainty and despair. Like a gentle breeze caressing a balloon, the Holy Spirit offers solace and comfort, enveloping us in its compassionate embrace. In addition to uplifting and comforting us, the Holy Spirit also grants us a sense of influence and embracing the transformative power it brings to our lives.

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us,by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost. Titus 3:5

How be it when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine,and shall shew it unto you.

John 16:13,14

Party Plate and Cup – Christ generously offers us His word, a magnificent feast for our minds and souls, replete with precise instructions on how to navigate the labyrinth of existence and fully embrace the gift of life. Just as we are invited to partake in a grand banquet, where each delicacy tantalizes our taste buds and satisfies our physical cravings, so too are we called to immerse ourselves in the divine teachings bestowed upon us by Christ. These spiritual delicacies not only nourish our innermost being but also provide invaluable insights, guiding us towards righteousness, love, and eternal fulfillment. The metaphorical palette before us is not to be underestimated, as it encapsulates the transformative power inherent in the teachings of Christ. Just as a beautifully arranged party plate and an enticing cup captivate our physical appetites, His word serves to nourish and satisfy our spiritual hunger. Through this abundant feast of knowledge and understanding, we are equipped to live purposeful lives, guided by wisdom and fortified by unwavering faith, actively embracing the virtues championed by Christ Himself. In essence, the party plate and cup embody more than mere food and drink for our bodies; they represent the nourishment required to sustain our souls. This divine toolkit, graciously imparted to us through Christ's boundless grace and love, holds the key to unlocking the full potential of our existence. It is within this sacred feast that we find the coveted secrets, enabling us to harmoniously align ourselves with God's divine plan, allowing us to flourish in every aspect of our being.

As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby. 1 Peter 2:2

Birthday Party Hat – In the realm of Christ's abundant and inclusive family, each individual is granted an intricately crafted hat that not only serves as a symbolic adornment, but also signifies their unique role within this collective. As we delve deeper into the spiritual journey, we discover that these hats are not merely ornamental, but rather, they serve a purpose in fostering a sense of belonging and kinship among members. Additionally, as partakers of this divine community, we are bestowed with an array of talents and gifts tailored to our individual abilities and propensities, affording us opportunities to actively contribute and play a significant role in shaping the Body of Christ. These talents and gifts, like finely woven threads, seamlessly intertwine and harmonize to create a vibrant tapestry, further illuminating the unity and collective strength that emerges from our shared faith. Thus, through the multifaceted symbolism of the birthday party hat, we are reminded of both our unique place within the family of Christ and the imperative nature of utilizing our bestowed talents and gifts for the betterment of the whole.

But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: But all these worketh that one and the self same Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. For as the body is one, andhath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many.1 Corinthians 12:7-14

Streamers and Cans of Silly String - The vibrant and playful world of streamers and cans of Silly String serves as a vivid metaphor for the transformative power of Christ in our lives. When we embrace the teachings of Christ, our existence is imbued with meaning, purpose, and a newfound sense of vitality. The excitement and wonder that accompany our new life in Him cannot be overstated. It is through this rebirth that we are granted a promising future, full of hope and possibilities. Indeed, by accepting Christ, we embark on a journey of spiritual growth and everlasting fulfillment.

…I come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us,that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3:1,2

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you. 1 Peter 1:3,4

Goody Bag - In our journey with Christ, we are blessed with a collection of precious promises, akin to delightful goodies that we have the privilege of carrying with us not just from a joyous party, but throughout every facet of our lives. These promises stand as remarkable benefits that come alongside our newfound life in Christ, serving as constant reminders of His endless grace and unfailing love for us. Such a goody bag of promises graciously bestowed upon us ensures that we are constantly equipped with encouragement, hope, and assurance, allowing us to navigate the various challenges and triumphs that we encounter along our spiritual path. Truly, it is through embracing these precious promises that we are able to fully immerse ourselves in the richness and fulfillment that comes from having a personal relationship with Christ.

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 2 Peter 1:4

Party Horn – Christ brings us news worth sharing! We cannot contain this newfound life in Him. It is our calling to spread the good news far and wide, like a joyous melody that resonates in the hearts of all who encounter it. As believers, we have been entrusted with a divine message, one that has the power to transform lives and bring hope to the weary soul. It is our sacred duty to proclaim this message with passion, conviction, and unwavering faith. Just as a party horn unleashes a burst of exuberance and celebration, so too should our testimonies of Christ's love and redemption resound with an irresistible magnetism, drawing others into the embrace of God's grace. Our words and actions should harmonize to form a symphony of compassion, kindness, and truth, in which the melody of the gospel lingers long after it has been shared. When we speak of Christ's redemptive work, let our voices be filled with the warmth and vibrancy of a thousand sunsets, illuminating the darkness of the world with rays of hope and salvation. Let our every encounter become an opportunity to unveil the extraordinary story of how Christ's love has transformed our lives, infusing them with purpose, meaning, and boundless joy. For when we truly comprehend the profound impact that Christ's sacrifice has had on our existence, we cannot help but share this profound revelation with others. So let us seize every moment, wielding our words and actions like instruments of love, for in doing so, we become agents of divine transformation, igniting sparks of faith in even the most hardened hearts. Together, let us make our lives a testament to the wondrous news of Christ, not by selfishly hoarding it within the confines of our hearts, but by joyfully heralding it to all who will listen. The world awaits the symphony of salvation, and it is our privilege and responsibility to play our part, ensuring that the melody of God's love reaches the farthest corners of the earth. So let the party horn blast forth its triumphant noise, announcing the arrival of Christ's kingdom, and beckoning all to join in the eternal celebration of grace.

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15

The wise words of Abraham Lincoln continue to reverberate through time, as he astutely remarked, "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." This insight resonates deeply within our souls, prompting us to pause and reflect on its undeniable truth. As followers of the Christian faith, we are blessed with the gift of a renewed existence in Christ, a transformative experience that bestows upon us immeasurable possibilities. Yet, in the midst of this abundant new life, it becomes imperative for us to question and examine our actions. How do we choose to utilize this incredible opportunity? Are we actively striving to live in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord, mindful of the responsibility that comes with being a part of His divine family? These introspective inquiries serve as a reminder of the significance and purpose infused within us, compelling us to navigate our earthly journey with the utmost care and intentionality.

And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Ephesians 4:24

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Our birthdays in the Lord are truly extraordinary moments that hold deep significance. In these moments, we come to realize the immense love that He has for each and every one of us. It brings us immeasurable joy to be part of His divine family, knowing that we are cherished and chosen by Him. As a result, our lives should radiate this profound truth - that we are indeed His beloved children. It becomes crucial for us to grasp the magnitude of this reality and make conscious efforts to live in accordance with it. We are called to contribute to a greater purpose and to make our lives count for Him. It is not enough to merely recognize and appreciate His love; rather, we must actively demonstrate it through our thoughts, actions, and interactions with others. By doing so, we embody the essence of our new life in Christ. So, as we commemorate the anniversary of our spiritual rebirth, let us reflect upon the ways in which we can honor and glorify God. Let our celebrations of our new life in Christ be a testimony of our gratitude and commitment to live as His faithful disciples. May our hearts be filled with boundless joy and our lives be a living testament of His abundant love.

Are you celebrating and reflecting on the transformative journey you have taken in embracing your new life in Christ?

God Has Given Us New Life Through Christ

Ephesians 2 You were living in your sins and lawless ways. But in fact you were dead. You used to live as sinners when you followed the ways of this world. You served the one who rules over the spiritual forces of evil. He is the spirit who is now at work in those who don’t obey God. At one time we all lived among them. Our desires were controlled by sin. We tried to satisfy what they wanted us to do. We followed our desires and thoughts. God was angry with us like he was with everyone else. That’s because of the kind of people we all were. But God loves us deeply. He is full of mercy. So he gave us new life because of what Christ has done. He gave us life even when we were dead in sin. God’s grace has saved you. God raised us up with Christ. He has seated us with him in his heavenly kingdom. That’s because we belong to Christ Jesus. He has done it to show the riches of his grace for all time to come. His grace can’t be compared with anything else. He has shown it by being kind to us. He was kind to us because of what Christ Jesus has done. God’s grace has saved you because of your faith in Christ. Your salvation doesn’t come from anything you do. It is God’s gift. It is not based on anything you have done. No one can brag about earning it. 10 We are God’s creation. He created us to belong to Christ Jesus. Now we can do good works. Long ago God prepared these works for us to do.