Sunday, July 16, 2023

Endurance of Faith for the Journey

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

“Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.

But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” 

- Matthew 14:27-31, NIV

My love language predominantly revolves around acts of service, especially when it comes to maintaining a welcoming environment within my home, including a clean yard and garage. The feeling of walking into a sparklingly clean house fills me with an overwhelming sense of energy and joy, empowering me to face any challenges that life may throw my way. However, I cannot help but recall a series of instances where my husband, displaying a heartfelt gesture, took it upon himself to clean either the garage or the kitchen for me, only to have his efforts met with criticism due to overlooked areas or failure to meet my cleaning standards. Reflecting upon this, I find myself questioning why I would respond in such a manner. It is evident that my husband embarked on these cleaning endeavors with an inherent belief that he could replenish my emotional well-being; yet, unfortunately, my appreciation for his actions fell short. Over the course of our three-decade marriage, I have undergone an embarrassing realization regarding the inadequacy of my words when it comes to expressing my genuine appreciation. As time has passed, I have come to understand the magnitude of my husband's disappointment, lingering within his heart as he courageously stepped forward in faith, seeking to replenish my love tank and to speak love into my heart. 

This brings to mind the story of Peter, a figure known for his audacious act of stepping out of the boat and placing unwavering trust in Jesus. In his courageous stride, Peter was hopeful for a response filled with deep affirmation and encouragement. Nevertheless, he encountered a rebuke from Jesus, who admonished him for his lack of faith. This particular situation makes me think of my reactions to the endeavors of my beloved husband as he goes above and beyond to please me and ignite a sense of joy within my heart through his cleaning efforts. In these heartfelt actions, he anticipates a specific reaction from me - one brimming with resounding approval and appreciation. Walking on water and cleaning a house are definitely different acts of faith on many levels, but the emotions they evoke in me are surprisingly similar. Reflecting on Peter's experience, I can only imagine how he must have felt when he did not receive approval from someone he was trying to please.

When Peter first mustered the courage to step out of the boat, he did so with an unwavering gaze fixed upon Jesus. This bold and audacious act of faith enabled Peter to actually walk on water, defying the furious winds and tumultuous waves that fiercely enveloped him. It was a stormy sea, yet Peter fearlessly ventured into the heart of it, determined to reach his Lord. God has a way of summoning us to undertake seemingly impossible tasks, whether it be navigating the treacherous path of grief, a new job, financial uncertainty or embarking on a new and uncharted journey. . . or even trying to please your spouse. Yet, it is in those moments when our focus should remain firmly tethered to the Lord, so we can find our footing and our steps in unwavering stability.

Sometimes, in the midst of walking on these new paths filled with uncertainties, we may find ourselves filled with fear and anxiety. It is in these moments that we need not despair, for Jesus extends his hand to lift us up from the depths. Unknown journeys, with its torrential waves, can sometimes overpower us, causing us to sink into the depths of fear and anxiety. Similarly, the fear of failure that accompanies uncharted paths can overwhelm us, leading us to sink into the abyss of perfectionism. However, when we redirect our gaze towards Jesus and anchor our focus upon him, he empowers us to stride through the raging winds and crashing waves. With every surmounting wave, our trust in Him blossoms and flourishes. Indeed, it is a choice we must make every day - to fix our eyes unwaveringly upon him. However, it is crucial for us to be cognizant of God's timing in our situations. Indeed, God's timing typically diverges from our own personal timelines. Inevitably, we tend to succumb to feelings of despair and disillusionment when our circumstances remain unaltered within the confines of our preferred schedule. Consequently, our faith dwindles and becomes feeble, lacking the strength and conviction it once possessed.. . having little faith in our lengthy struggles. 

Little faith is a state that goes beyond a mere deficiency in belief; it is a complex interplay of doubt and the unyielding passage of time. In the dictionary, one can discover an array of meanings associated with the word "little". Among these, it is worth noting that one can find a definition that pertains specifically to something being short in duration and instances where something is characterized by its concise and fleeting nature. It can be helpful when studying Peter and reading the bible to gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of the words, such as "little", and the various contexts in which it can be applied. In the case of Peter, his initial display of faith was unmistakable when he took that first courageous step out of the safety of the boat. However, as the circumstances surrounding him persisted for a longer duration than anticipated, the waves of doubt subtly infiltrated his mind, diverting his attention away from Jesus. It was an accidental shift, yet its consequence was profound. Peter's faith began to falter and waver, revealing his fragile human nature. His momentary faith proved to be short-lived, and in this fleeting vulnerability, we caught a glimpse of the little, short-lived, faith within him. This brief encounter between Peter and Jesus encapsulates the intricate dance between belief and uncertainty, shedding light on the delicate waves we all fight in moments of trial and tribulation.

Life’s journey is about endurance. .  I find it quite intriguing to reflect upon my own journey as a wife. After being married for three decades, one would assume that I have already mastered the art of being a spouse who chooses her words and actions with care. However, the truth is that I am still on a continuous quest to discover the delicate balance between maintaining high standards without falling into the trap of perfectionism, especially when it comes to my husband. It is truly a blessing that my husband has not allowed my occasional lack of appreciation to diminish his faith in our relationship or our marriage. His unwavering commitment to us is a testament to the strength and resilience required to endure the ups and downs that inevitably arise throughout life's journey. In order to navigate these challenges, it is crucial that both of us remain steadfast and resolute. We must keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, drawing from His wisdom and guidance to prevent weariness from seeping into our hearts over time. For it is through this steadfast devotion to our shared values and beliefs that we can press forward, knowing that our love and commitment will withstand any trials that we encounter along the way. 

What circumstances have you been grappling with for a longer duration than you desire? Are you noticing a gradual diminishment in the strength of your faith? Have you encountered a situation where you mustered the courage to step out in faith, only to face criticism? When you find yourself facing discouragement due to the prolonged nature of your struggles or the seeming absence of answers to your prayers, do you persist in praying without ceasing? When you encounter disappointment from others, do you retreat into isolation or allow yourself to become disheartened in your endeavors?

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.] I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.” - Jeremiah 29:11-14, NIV

Jesus, our ever-present companion, stands alongside us through every season of life. In the unending journey of faith, it is vital to maintain a continuous conversation with Him through prayer. Trust that God will respond at the most opportune moment, aligning His answers perfectly with your purpose on this earthly plane. Rest assured that God, the master orchestrator, has meticulously devised a plan for your ultimate good and the manifestation of His magnificent glory! Even if circumstances render you seemingly disappointed and isolated, remember the powerful words from Jeremiah 29:11-14, which need to resonate deeply within our souls. Take joy in the fact that this very moment is the ideal time to fervently pray and diligently seek God for the answers you are seeking. Embrace this season of prayer as a profound opportunity to draw closer to God, finding solace, guidance, and profound insight along the way. 

“Rejoice always,  pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Do not allow yourself to be discouraged by the prolonged period of exile, but instead find solace and strength in embracing the hardships that accompany it. In fact, let these adversities become sources of great joy, for they provide valuable opportunities to deepen your faith and nurture a closer relationship with God. By actively engaging with the challenges posed by exile, you can seize the chance to develop a more profound understanding of yourself and your spirituality. Embrace the transformative power of suffering, knowing that it has the potential to cultivate resilience, wisdom, and a profound sense of connection with Your Creator. 

“Not only so, but we[a] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” -  Romans 5:3-5, NIV

Our Fairy Tale World: Society's Moral Compass on this Side of Heaven

As you read this book, you'll immerse yourself in a collection of devotionals designed to nurture and expand your heart and mind. It begins with a thought-provoking devotional that leads to a deep dive into revelations about fairy tales. Explore the realm of Little Red Riding Hood, uncovering evidence of how our moral compass has evolved. Through this fairy tale, I shed light on shifting values and their impact on society. Within these pages, discover my imaginative retelling of a classic, offering a contemporary perspective. I provide moral lessons for meaningful family discussions. Afterwards, we return to devotionals, guiding us to engage with God's Word.

Visit me on Facebook at Faithfully Unashamed 
for more inspiration. 

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