Moving forward with my dreams and faith . . .
Tomorrow is the day that my mom passed away 4 years ago, and the day that I dug deep to find the mark I would leave on the world or really just in my small space with my boys . . .
Listening to people tell stories and speak about how my mom impacted them made me think about the way I was living my life. That's when I went back to school to get my teaching certificate updated and certified to teach English dual enrollment (on top of all the years that I went school to get my Marketing degree, masters in education, and reading specialist certification). I think I have spent my whole life learning how to teach and present lessons to others that I forgot to teach myself how to "fuel" my journey so I would have the strength for others.
I learned four years later after my mom passing away and returning to the classroom chasing my mission field of teaching, where I felt was the best place for me to impact lives the same way my mom did, that teaching is an amazing mission field and one you MUST be strong for and have the "mind, body, and spirit oxygen mask" setting set on the highest level at all times in order to successfully impact lives!!!
My breast cancer journey taught me that I had to put on my "oxygen mask" FIRST before I could help anyone else put on theirs.
As you know from my transparent Facebook posts, I have been choosing joy to LIVE ABUNDANTLY. . . through those transparent and real posts, I have had people privately reach out to me for help with putting on their own "oxygen mask". I have grown from the darkness and struggles that come through being in the pit of grief and illness and financial peace. I don't ask "why me" anymore. I now ask "why not me".
The last day of my radiation treatment I walked out the door of the cancer center and sat in my car with the ugly cry because I was afraid and scared that I would fail at the next journey because I didn't know if I was prepared and there wasn't a textbook to teach me how to do my next job. I didn't want to drive away as the same person I was before the day I walked into the cancer center for the first time. Entering that cancer center for 35 days straight, with exception of Saturday and Sunday, transformed me, and I NEVER want to be the same as I was before frequenting that place.
I have been searching for the path for how I am to make an impact and for my journeys not to be meaningless. . . I decided it started with my own family. Team Robinson is different and changed for my 35 day of choosing joy!!! I have seen the transformation we have made as a family, and I am excited for the Team Robinson generations to come.
Daniel and I are raising the leaders of three more Team Robinsons. The impact has to start with my boys, and I figured out I had to be full of "oxygen" in the areas of MIND, BODY, and SPiRIT. . . this will be ongoing for myself. The beginning of this new journey included letting go of a passion that excites me but wears me down mentally and physically at the same time. A passion that allowed me to give all I had to others with none left for my family. My family (and myself) got the left over "oxygen". My family and myself deserve the first "oxygen mask" that I have available in order to impact the future generations.
Instead of complaining about the darkness that continues to overshadow our communities, it's time to do something instead of just complain and blame others. . . I'm not trying to impact huge entities and laws, but I want to begin with my family and trickle out into other families. One family at a time will change a community, one community at a time will change a city, one city at a time will change . . . Ok I know you get my point I'll stop right there.
I want to come back down this mountain I have been climbing for years and help others put on their "oxygen mask" to take the climb back up with me. So I let go of a career I have been preparing for my whole life, a passion for impacting students to be the best version of their self and teaching them how to open the door to freedom to be who they want to be through education and perseverance.
I am continuing to put on my own "oxygen mask" and moving forward with my entrepreneurial dream that life has been preparing me for. Yesterday I moved the last box out of my classroom and opened the door to LIVE ABUNDANTLY.
Live Abundantly is an umbrella of three areas: mind, body, and spirit. I have several projects I am working on to hopefully help and inspire others. . .
The first project is the 10 Day Ketone Challenge through my Keto Fuel Zone leg of Live Abundantly . . .
I have a passion for educating and helping others be the best version of their self. You have to have the right mindset, a whole lot of Jesus, and a strong healthy body to go "do something". Instead of complaining and blaming, let's go "do something" . . . Let's transform people's minds, bodies, and spirit so we can live in a BETTER community. Let's make our lives meaningful by being the light in the world as God's hands and feet!!!
But we MUST first put on our "oxygen mask" and I can help you do that!!!